Friday, August 26, 2011

Where have we been...

Chris and I were able to go to Utah for his sister Megans wedding. It was so much fun. She is marrying Alex Whitbeck and he is a wonderful guy and is perfect for her. His family was a lot of fun too. She was/is a beautiful bride! We are still waiting to see all the awesome pictures that her photographer took, so this is the only one I got with my camera.
My mom was a lifesaver and watched the kids for us while we were gone.A week and a half before we left for the wedding I sprained my ankle. It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't the 3rd time I've done it to my right ankle and this time I didn't have shoes on. I cringe everytime I think about how I did it. It's not a nice feeling. I'm still working on getting it stronger. I've told myself I am not allowed to leave the ground unless I have ankle braces on.

The day before we came home mom called and told us Austin has strep throat. As a parent it is a horrible feeling to be separated from your kids when they are sick. Mom of course took the best care of him, and we came home to a not so healthy boy. The week went by and we ended up taking him to an ENT. He has had many bouts of strep throat in his short 4 years and they suggest getting his tonsils out. It's common to assume that someone that has their tonsils out will not get strep again, but that is incorrect. But at least the pain that goes along with it will be less and other complications will be minimal. So in a month or so we will call to get his tonsils out.

The day after we got home the older boys were playing with some friends outside. Cam was riding the ripstick and fell off. He told their mom that his arm hurt, but never cried. Even when he got home hours later he just said it hurt a little bit. So we iced it and kept an eye on it. By Sat. it was still bothering him. So, we took him in to get xrays. Sure enough he broke it. A splint was put on and we were to go to the orthopedist a week later to get the real cast put on.
The boys started school on August 22nd!!!Cam is in third grade. I didn't get pictures before they left in the morning so I tried after school...needless to say Cameron wasn't thrilled about it. His outfit was cute though!
Colin started middle school (6th grade)! He was so excited! His nerves kicked in that morning but he made it with ease. I love the middle school here because the sixth grade is on the lower level of the school all alone...except elective classes. They really don't come in contact with the big, bad 7th and 8th graders :)this is when we got his schedule and locker..a bit fuzzy, but he's so handsome! I was using my camera phone and since have learned how to focus on the subjectToday is August 26th. Cameron caught strep and spiked a fever on the second day of school. So, he was home Tuesday thru Thursday. I had an appt. to get his cast put on today, but that would've meant that he would have to leave school early and missing three days already I didn't want to do that. So his fever broke yesterday morning and we went in to get his fabulous GLOW IN THE DARK cast on. A built in night light!oh, one more thing...Colin came home from school today and felt sick to his stomach and had a low fever. When he's had strep in the past his symptoms are just that a little fever and stomach ache.
We've had an exciting couple of weeks.


Unknown said...
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Bowman family said...

What a week! Devins 6th grade is a wing of the school so they are by themselves. Both Tyler and Annie had their tonsils out and rarely had strep after that. It helps. Good luck! PS. We moved to Austin.

Bowman family said...

That comment above was from Allison Bowman- My other blog was signed in. Sorry

Alexis said...

Nice blog y'all! Fun to read!