Our sweet Cameron was baptized on Saturday. It was a lovely occassion. Chris was able to baptize him. We had a lot of our family there to support him. A few friends came too and the feeling during the meeting was beautiful! We are so thankful for the decisions our children make (when they think) and for the relationships that others have with them. As their mom, I really do think we have wonderful children and they are worth getting to know. Just like any child or adult for that matter, we all have our crazy, onery moments. Yes they can be very annoying at times and I'll be the first to admit that! But we sure love them!

Not only did he get baptized, but then he had a soccer game and most exciting of all to him was the Pinewood Derby. He was super excited for his first one. His car did pretty well too! It was a great day and I am grateful to those that were there to support him! We sure didn't expect anyone to hang around all day! Esp. Chris' sister Megan, and her fiance! He was a great sport to be with our families all day!
So wonderful!! Congratulations Cameron!
What? He is already 8? Where has the time gone?
I know Aleshia and Colin is going to 6th grade next year!!!
C'mon Dad, why don't you smile. :) - Ryan
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